GMM apartments

apartments and rooms in Sukosan, Croatia


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Traveling by car

Traveling by bus


By bus

Bus line timetable, departures from Zadar main bus station to Sukosan
Departure times for buses running line Central bus station - Sukošan

If you use bus line Pakostane, Biograd or Sikovo, get off the bus at bus station "Mala Makarska" (not in the center of Sukosan!) and walk back about 200 m.
If you use bus line Debeljak or Sukosan, get off the bus at bus station in the center of Sukosan and follow the main road for about 1500 m.

By plane

Buses from the Zadar Airport to Zadar main bus station depart from the front gate of the international arrival terminal.
For departures from main bus station in Zadar to Sukosan see above.
Also, a taxi service is at your disposal, near a bus stop.
More: Zadar Airport - How to reach us

By train

Zadar main bus station is next to railway station so you can use bus from main bus station in Zadar to Sukosan (see above).